The Marketing Coach and Associates

Monica Hart has more than 25 years of experience in helping her clients create new business opportunities by teaching, demonstrating, and coaching them how to connect authentically and build lasting personal and business relationships with their clients, customers, and referral networks.

Monica is a “player coach” who gets into the trenches with you to solve business, sales, and marketing challenges through modeling the skills and behaviors that you need to succeed. She uses real world situations, practical skills and examples to help you develop new lifetime habits for communicating the value and benefits of your products and services to your prospects, clients and customers.

Hart has helped more than 150 companies and organizations in 21 industries (link to client list) including AAA (link to AAA positions), New York Life, City of Tracy, Sierra Vista and Charter Hospitals, and Los Rios and Yuba Community College Districts to increase sales and revenues through her proven collaborative relationship training, networking, and branding coaching skills.

She has been a motivational and skill building workshop leader and keynote speaker for more than 100 organizations (link to speaker list) in the last twenty-five years.

When you work with Monica Hart, The Marketing Coach and Associates be prepared to take your business to a whole new level.  Monica is a “player coach” who will help you:

  • Create “client branded experiences”
  • Define your personal brand
  • Improve your networking and prospecting skills
  • Communicate YOUR personal value to the people who most need your products and services
  • Become an Effective Leader
  • Enhance your Emotional Intelligence - behavioral skills to create authentic relationships
  • Make more effective Sales Calls
  • Increase your conversion rate
  • Be comfortable and confident in any networking, speaking, and sales situation
Monica Hart, Executive MBA

Monica Hart, Executive MBA

The secret to Hart’s coaching success is the authentic way she shows up to help you make the changes you need to create prosperity. Her formula is collaborative relationship selling, marketing, networking, leadership, and communication systems that focus on building long-term personal and business relationships to create mutual success between your customer/client and you.

Gives you the skills to increase your business and prosperity through mentoring, teaching, modeling/demonstrating, role play the best ways to express the benefit and value of your products and services.

Shows you how to create relationships and collaborative partnerships with others through the heart and with deep and abiding gratitude for every opportunity.

Helps you improve your skills and to build a higher level professional network through collaborative relationships.

Enables you to move beyond traditional transactional sales and marketing training to building collaborative relationship building sales and marketing skills through her process of personal mentoring/modeling/demonstrating.

Empowers and shows you how to improve your business opportunities by speaking your personal brand